Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Poetry of Spring

"Spring has returned.
The Earth is like a child that knows poems"
--Rainer Maria Rilke

Spring has arrived, and the world can't help but erupt with color: fruit trees are blossoming, shrubs are sporting new, tender buds, and flowers are brightening up fields, yards, and even our farm compost pile.  Yes, spring is in full effect.
spring compost pile
Our compost pile during spring

We grow flowers year round, and without a doubt, spring is the best time to be a flower farmer.  We no longer need to "trick" our crops into thinking it is springtime.  Now, the sun shines, and the flowers act accordingly.

We call this the "Spring Effect," though it could just as easily be called the "Flower Explosion."  The timing is perfect as Mother's Day is just a month away, and in the meantime, we are fully enjoying the buzz of springtime energy around the farm.

First, our Willow Creek crops come alive (hello Viburnum!), which is quickly followed by our hoop houses, greenhouses, and fields giving us millions of blooms.
Viburnum early spring
Spring's favorite flowering shrub, Viburnum!

Spring in the Hoops

Our crops of Royal Lilies (aka LA Hybrids) are imitating lush, miniature forests; we're picking thousands of Hyacinth a week; and our French Tulips and iris are showing great stem lengths.

LA Hybrid spring flower farming
Royal Lilies 

french tulips growing spring
French Tulips
spring hyacinth growing

iris spring flower
Telstar Iris

Spring in the Greenhouses

Spring is the tulip's season.  In Arcata, our greenhouses are brimming with tulips in all stages of growth.
tulip greenhouse
Tulip Greenhouse
Our lily greenhouses are also full of hustle and bustle--picking crews are working hard, filling their buckets and carts with blooms ready to send out the door.

Spring flower farming greenhouse lilies

Spring in the Fields

Now that the soil is warming, we've begun planting summer crops in open fields--iris, crocosmia, hypericum, and hydrangea are in the ground. Spring paves the way for the summer arrival of these colorful crops.

spring field flowers

hydrangea growing spring
Hydrangea bud
We welcome the Spring Effect with big smiles and open arms (and open greenhouses!).  How do you like to celebrate the season of living poetry?

lady aster spring flower farming

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