Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Find New Flower Lovers with Petal It Forward

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”
                                                                           -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Petal It Forward is October 11, 2017.

Anyone reading this blog knows that flowers have been proven to improve people’s moods, increase feelings of well-being, and ultimately make us happier. Two years ago, the good folks at the Society of American Florists (SAF) made a bold move. They decided to take the concept of “pay it forward’ and apply it to flowers.

Instead of the traditional flower giveaways that have happened in various incarnations for years as industry outreach efforts, the SAF decided to up the ante. They established Petal It Forward to giveaway two bouquets at a time, one for the person to keep, and another to “Petal It Forward” to a friend, co-worker or …better yet, another random person.

Petal It Forward Bouquet from Sun Valley Floral Farm
Last year, this day in October generated a huge amount of media attention as florists around the country took advantage of this opportunity to engage with the public and create new business. According to the SAF, the 2016 campaign included events in 234 cities, in all 50 states, generating 328 million consumer impressions.

Check out this fun video, highlighting 2016.

Creating all this media attention requires a lot of flowers! And of course, Sun Valley will continue to support this year’s effort, offering a Petal It Forward special. Please check in with your sales representative to hear about this year’s promo offer.

The SAF has a whole toolkit for members to maximize the effect of this promotion, and generate new sales. By using the tool kit, many florists have been able to garner media attention for their business and position themselves as generous members of the local community.

As of September 17, Petal It Forward needs 6 more states to have events in all 50 states. Is this you?

Events such as this are an amazing opportunity to create new flower lovers.  So many people have never experienced the simple yet, sublime joy of watching a flower bloom in their home or office. Likewise, many people have never experienced the fun and good feeling of giving someone flowers.

Our own Lane DeVries, sums this up perfectly in this video, where in an unscripted moment he says, "I have never seen a consumer receive flowers, and not be happy."

This is what Petal It Forward is all about, making people happy!

We can't wait to hear what you do for Petal It Forward on October, 11th, and be sure to use the #PetalItForward hashtag!

#PetalItForward flowers

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